Social Studies Teaching/Administrative Positions
Now is the perfect time to launch your job search, and you’ll find over 62,000 open positions waiting for you on EdWeek Top School Jobs.
Start your search by visiting EdWeek Top School Jobs, and browse open positions at districts around the country. You can search by job category and location. Some quick links:
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Start your search by visiting EdWeek Top School Jobs, and browse open positions at districts around the country. You can search by job category and location. Some quick links:
- Teaching jobs: Search over twenty-five thousand teaching jobs nationwide — elementary, middle, high school and specialty.
- Principal jobs: Find hundreds of jobs for principals, assistant principals, and other school leadership roles.
- Administrator jobs: Search over ten thousand jobs, from paraprofessionals to counselors and more.
- Support staff jobs: If you want a change from working in a school system, stay connected to the profession with a job working on products, services, or policy.
- Education industry jobs: If you want a change from working in a school system, stay connected to the profession with a job working on products, services, or policy.
Sign up for custom job alerts to have jobs that match your criteria delivered straight to your inbox. Then you’ll be alerted when your dream job comes along.