Become a Member or Renew your Membership
Once you renew or join ICSS membership status, please check your email to find your ICSS login and password and sign in to
register for the conference HERE
register for the conference HERE
The Illinois Council for the Social Studies is updating its membership platform and conference registration process. For reduced rates on conferences and access to future, "Members Only" online Professional Development opportunities, renew your membership or become a member of ICSS! To better serve you and your professional needs, please complete the following fields. Once you register with this new platform you will use your login and password to access members only benefits, opportunities, and networking through our website.
Once you renew or join ICSS membership status, please check your email to find your ICSS login and password and sign in to
register for the conference HERE
Once you renew or join ICSS membership status, please check your email to find your ICSS login and password and sign in to
register for the conference HERE